It’s very special when I get to see someone who I've known for several years prior to their engagement getting married. I feel like I see the whole story better and can feel it myself on a totally different level. I completely had that feeling when Shannon and Jason first saw each other at Spring Grove on their wedding day. I've always felt Shannon was beautiful. But as a bride seeing how she looked at Jason, took my breath away. My hats off to Mitchells Salon in Hyde Park who were amazing with her hair and make up. Let's not forget Jason! He and the guys looked pretty sharp themselves. The tuxes were provided by Skeffingtons formal wear The beautiful flowers were designed by Yellow Canary. Then I was thrilled to get out to St Boniface for the first time in quite a while! I forgot just how beautiful it is! Then of course the drinking and driving was provided by my favorite limo service Motor Toys Limo Service. Don't take that wrong, the wedding party drank while the chauffeur drove!! I wouldn't encourage it otherwise! And Patricia never stops amazing me with her wonderfully delicious cakes! It's been a while since I had seen my man Aaron with DJ Butlers Music by Request. No surprise he kept things moving right along nice and smoothly! And for the second day in a row, I was at Receptions West! I love the new covered patio and expanded wedding party area. They are always on top of it! I can't tell you guys how happy I am for you. It was a perfect day with some special friends. And yes Jodi, George, Amanda, Megan and the rest of the crew, that means you too! Thanks for everything! To see some additional photos check out our fan page on facebook!